20th Century - synthesis

20th Century - synthesis

Make yourself at home!

This blog is a tool for the Language and Culture II course at Instituto Superior Palomar de Caseros. Here students can share their findings on the web and think together about the comings and goings of the 20th century.

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010

Picasso in Tres de Febrero

We are very proud in the North West of Buenos Aires. Picasso is visiting Tres de Febrero University. From May 29th to September 10th we will be able to enjoy 60 works by the great Spanish artist at the MUNTREF – Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de febrero. The exhibition, “Picasso: The Look of Desire”, has been organized by the Museum, together with Pablo Ruiz Picasso-Casa Natal. It reviews desire, a driving force in the artist´s work, in different forms: as the bodies observed or created, as the reconstructed body , as the eternal feminine and female loves, among others.
The project will be completed when Argentine works of art chosen by Antonio Berni and curated by Diana B. Wechsler (Untref),are presented next October at the Picasso Museum in Malaga.

You will find further details at: http://www.untref.edu.ar/muntref.